Aftermath Visits the Wisconsin Association of Identification Training Conference

8 years ago

Last week's wintery weather didn't stop Aftermath from paying a visit to the Wisconsin Association of Identification Training Conference. Hosted…

Highlights from the Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police Winter Conference

8 years ago

Aftermath is on the road this spring! We've already visited conferences in California, Florida, Wisconsin, and Michigan, just to name…

Aftermath Attends the Illinois Coroners and Medical Examiners Training Conference

8 years ago

Last week, members of the Illinois Coroners and Medical Examiners Association gathered to attend a 40 basic training workshop in…

Spring or Winter? The Four Seasons of Biohazard Cleanup

8 years ago

Is it spring? Is it winter? If you live in the Midwest, or really anywhere in the US this time…

Law Enforcement: Time to Suit Up! Get Ready for the Spring PPE Giveaway

8 years ago

Are you a police officer or other law enforcement agent? If so, get ready to spring to action with our first…

Aftermath Attends the Wisconsin Chiefs of Police WPLF Conference

8 years ago

The 2017 Wisconsin Police Leadership Foundation (WPLF) Mid-Winter Training Conference was held February 12th through 15th at the Kalahari Resort in the Wisconsin…

More Random Acts of Kindess from Aftermath Services

8 years ago

Winter is at an end, and thoughts of gifts and giving have been replaced with dreams of sunshine. However, at…

Join Aftermath for National Random Acts of Kindness Day

8 years ago

Observed on February 17th, National Random Acts of Kindness Day has gained in popularity each year.  Since 1995, individuals, groups, and…

Aftermath Visits the Michigan Association of Chiefs of Police Conference (MACP)

8 years ago

Last week, Aftermath Services visited the Michigan Association of Chiefs of Police Winter Training Conference at the Amway Grand Hotel in Grand…

Aftermath Attends the Florida Sheriff’s Association (FSA) Winter Conference

8 years ago

The groundhog may have seen his shadow, but Aftermath is already gearing up for the conference season! Last week, the…