March 3, 2017
Is it spring? Is it winter? If you live in the Midwest, or really anywhere in the US this time of year, you have probably asked yourself this question a few times a week…or in a day. The seasons can’t seem to make up their mind, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a pattern, at […]
September 23, 2015
While a heat wave scorches Northern California, Aftermath technicians are more hard at work than ever. High temperatures mean an increase in cases of unattended death and decomposition, which are not only distressing for family members, but can also pose potential health risks. An unattended death is defined as any death where the deceased goes […]
June 26, 2015
Our society is much more mobile than it used to be; staying in one city for a lifetime is now the exception and not the rule. Extended family may live in another state; they lead busy lives, and have families of their own. When a distant relative passes away and the death goes undiscovered for […]
April 17, 2015
Maybe you’ve seen the trailer for the new Poltergeist movie and noticed at the end a web address for a company called DiedinHouse. While some consider the concept morbid, knowing whether or not someone may have died in your home can do more than just provide peace of mind. It can also give potential buyers […]
January 26, 2015
Murder, suicide, dramatic plane crashes. The lives of many of history’s most interesting characters often end on equally intriguing if not sad notes. The one thing these four well-known people had in common was that each of their deaths left us with many unanswered questions…including whether or not they actually died! Amelia Earhart Before Amelia […]
January 1, 2015
Cremation of the human body has changed quite a bit over the years. With the practice originating in ancient times, it has continued to this day for a variety of reasons. As a result, the process is uniquely fascinating to many, especially in light of the numerous cultural beliefs surrounding this method of after death […]
January 22, 2014
Carpet cleaners and maid services clean but they do not truly sanitize, leaving potentially dangerous biological material behind. For more information on proper crime scene cleanup,call 877-872-4339
January 8, 2014
What remains at the scene of a tragedy is often less prevalent in the minds of the public, for understandable reasons. However, it can be a continual risk to others if the crime scene cleanup is not properly tended to. Aftermath Services shares why it is so critical to ensure that proper crime scene cleanup […]
December 23, 2013
As friends and family gather at your home this holiday season, joy and cheer may not be all they spread. Keep your family safe from the flu virus with helpful tips from Aftermath Inc. biohazard cleanup specialists at Aftermath Inc., the only national U.S. company specializing in crime scene cleanup.